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form of incentive

См. также в других словарях:

  • Incentive — For the video game developer and publisher, see Incentive Software. For the independent record label, see Incentive Records. In economics and sociology, an incentive is any factor (financial or non financial) that enables or motivates a… …   Wikipedia

  • Incentive program — An incentive program is a formal scheme used to promote or encourage specific actions or behavior by a specific audience during a defined period of time. HistoryAlthough incentive programs have been around for more than 100 years, it wasn’t until …   Wikipedia

  • Incentive — Incentives sind jegliche Anreize, finanzieller oder nicht finanzieller, materieller oder immaterieller Art, die zur Wahl einer bestimmten Alternative motivieren. Das englische Wort „incentive“ stammt von dem lateinischen Wort „incendere“ und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Incentive-Reisen — Incentives, oder Kaufanreize sind Geld und Sachprämien, Veranstaltungen oder Reisen, die von Unternehmen eingesetzt werden, um Einzelpersonen (zum Beispiel Kunden, Mitarbeiter, Geschäftspartner und Politiker) zu beeinflussen, zu motivieren oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Incentive Reise — Incentives, oder Kaufanreize sind Geld und Sachprämien, Veranstaltungen oder Reisen, die von Unternehmen eingesetzt werden, um Einzelpersonen (zum Beispiel Kunden, Mitarbeiter, Geschäftspartner und Politiker) zu beeinflussen, zu motivieren oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Incentive — Zusatzvergütung; Sonderzulage; Gratifikation; Sonderzuwendung; Sondervergütung * * * In|cen|tive 〈[ınsɛ̣ntıv] m. 6〉 1. 〈Wirtsch.〉 Gratifikation od. Bonus, durch die bzw. den Mitarbeiter motiviert werden sollen 2. 〈allg.〉 Anreiz, eine bestimmte… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Incentive —   A rebate or some form of payment used to encourage people to implement a given demand side management (DSM) technology. The incentive is calculated as the amount of the technology costs that must be paid by the utility for the participant test… …   Energy terms

  • incentive — incentively, adv. /in sen tiv/, n. 1. something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity. adj. 2. inciting, as to action; stimulating; provocative. [1400 50; late ME < LL… …   Universalium

  • Sales Incentive Plan — A Sales Incentive Plan (SIP) is a business tool used to motivate and compensate a sales professional (or Sales Agent) to meet goals or metrics over a specific period of time, usually broken into a plan for a fiscal quarter or fiscal year. A SIP… …   Wikipedia

  • motive, motif, incentive — A motive is a desire, need, or emotion that prompts or causes a person to act in a certain way; it is an inner urge that produces an act, but it also applies to the result of action: Jeb s motive was to get even with those who had not helped him …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Standard form contract — Contract law Part o …   Wikipedia

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